Jan6-8 +10-12 8am

Mysore workshop. All welcome. Bookings necessary though.

From Jan 13 schedule (until Feb)

Tues 8.30am Self practice

Tues 6-7pm Led basics any level (also available on zoom)

Wed 5pm Mysore, any level

Thurs 8.30am Mysore, any level

Class descriptions:

Led class 60mins fundamentals of ashtanga; sun salutes, standing and seated asana. Beginners welcome.

Slow stretch 60min restorative and investigative sessions

Mysore self paced ashtanga practice with guidance. Any level

Address 113 Gladstone Rd Gisborne, up stairs turn right


Slow/Basics 4 class pass $50 cash, or $60 online banking

Mysore classes $18 casual, or 5 class pass $80

Zoom $10 per session

Zoom Meeting ID: 354 426 6833 password: breath

Payments can be made online to ASB 12 3011 0782849 01