Over the last 2 years our routines have been disrupted, our attention is scattered and it’s difficult to find time and motivation.
INSPIRE means to excite, encourage or breathe life into
That’s what we’re gonna do!
Fall in love with your yoga practice again
In this 3 week online course you will receive support and specific guidance through
3 group sessions including practice, discussion and plan for the week. These can be recorded for you to keep.
30min private consult to address any personal challenges such as injuries, recovering from illness, changes with age, time limits, low motivation
Useful Yoga philosophy to support your intentions
Be part of a group of like minded yogis
PLUS access to all my live zoom classes for the 3 weeks
I hope that this small but powerful course inspires people to return to their practice. Getting to a studio can be difficult and expensive, but practicing on our own has its own set of challenges. Sometimes we know what to do, but can't get started; other times we start but lose focus. And sometimes we just don't know what to do. We lack inspiration. It feels like all we need is a bit of a boost! This is it.
Any level of experience is welcome. You are not too beginner or too experienced. You be an old ashtangi or a newbie.
You do not need alot of time. You just need to commit to hop on the mat 3-4 times per week. As a committed home yogi for many years now I know how to make the most of 30mins and I will show you how.
I will help you to stay committed and consistent and most importantly have a plan that works.
You will also learn some relevant yoga philosophy on how asana fits into the bigger yoga picture and how this helps us to stay on track in our lives.
We will support each other, have fun, dive deep and rediscover your yoga joy.
At the end you will have established firm roots in your personal practice, knowing why and what to do, how to overcome procrastination and overwhelm.
You will develop discipline and rediscover the joy of yoga!
Only $160 Want to know more? Email kiriyoga@kiriyoga.nz